Parasurama Attacks Kartavirya
(scene from the Ramayama)
Date: 1765-1770
The Parasurama was a avatar of the Hindu god Visnu, that came to destroy the warrior who had killed Parasurama's foster father. This painting shows a battle, spirit of living as well as how to live for what you believe in.
African Cup
Made of Ivory
Dates: 1490-1530
This sculpture represents a woman holding a child somewhat like Madonna and child. The cup was often traded for other fancy pieces throughout the time.

Guercino's Lot and His Daughters
Artist: Giovanni Francesco Francesco Barbieri

"A Moment Supreme"
Vincent DaCosta Smith b. 1929 d. 2004
This painting was done to depict a funeral service of John Coltrane in New York City in 1967. Smith has painted Albert Ayler on saxophone and his brother Donald Ayler on the trumpet. They are playing at the actual funeral.